The Samsung QuickDrive Explained
If you’ve been interested in buying a new washing machine as of late, it’ll have been hard to miss advertisements for the Samsung QuickDrive. But what exactly it is? And why should you want one? In the article, the team at Repair Aid is going to detail all you need to know about Samsung’s latest washing machine tech and point out some of the benefits (and drawbacks) that you may see from using one.
What is the Samsung QuickDrive?
The QuickDrive, Samsung’s latest brand of washing machine, has attracted attention for a couple of reasons – namely, its performance and its look. Well, that and the intense advertising by Samsung’s marketing team who are certainly throwing a lot of weight behind what they see as the revolutionary next step in washing machine technology.
The QuickDrive itself is a reference to the QuickDrive Drum, which is said to reduce washing times by up to 50% (when compared to other Samsung models). This makes it not only ideal for people who need to get clothes washed and dried at speed, but it is particularly well-suited to large families where the washing machine is in everyday usage. This is especially true of parents and guardians who need their kids’ school clothes washed within a short window of time.
It also utilises a bit of wash tech called ‘ecobubble‘. This allows the machine to wash clothes at a cooler temperature – not only reducing potential heat damage on sensitive clothing, but also bringing about savings on energy usage (and, subsequently, energy bills).
Last, but not least, is the clincher: AddWash. This feature is what gives the QuickDrive’s door its rather unique look. The AddWash is a small hatch within the door which can be used to put clothes into a wash – even if the wash has already started! Everyone has forgotten to stick something into a wash, or had a stray sock turn up once the wash has started, so this feature gives QuickDrive models that tangible benefit to go alongside those aforementioned internal improvements.
Why buy a Samsung QuickDrive?
Despite the clear benefits behind this new type of washing machine, we all know there’s more to a story than its headlines. Are those three features enough to make QuickDrive models a ‘must buy’? Thankfully, the QuickDrive checks boxes in the style AND substance categories.
Here are a few of the extra benefits of QuickDrive models that we’re aware of:
Incredible Energy Rating
As we previously mentioned, the ‘echobubble’ tech can bring about energy savings when compared to older models of washing machines. But if you’re also conscious of your household’s environmental impact, you’ll be delighted to hear that QuickDrive models have an A+++ rating.
While that does sound quite incredible, it is useful to note that today’s washing machines have to meet the criteria of at least an ‘A+’ rating.
Controllable via Smartphone App
QuickDrive works with Samsung’s ‘SmartThings‘ (previously ‘Samsung Connect‘) app for major mobile operating systems like Android and iOS. It connects with the QuickDrive machine and allows you to start and stop washes from anywhere in the world – granted you have an internet or 3G/4G connection. The app will also provide useful information, such as energy performance stats and provide recommendations on what cycles to use.
To ensure that you can get the most out of owning a QuickDrive machine, make sure the app is available on your smartphone and/or tablet before purchasing.
A Tuneful Reminder
Ever just left the washing lying in the machine when it’s done because you forgot about it? Well, the Quickdrive won’t let you do that. When a cycle is finished, it’ll play a little ditty (equatable to a gentle, 90s mobile ringtone) to let you know that it’s done. While that might be annoying to some, it’s hardly going to be playing with any regularity and the reminder can be very useful for those who are forgetful.
The Bad?
Despite its positives, the QuickDrive does have some downsides.
Aside from being a bit pricey, it’s worth noting that Samsung’s ‘50% faster wash’ claim is in comparison to one of Samsung’s other washing machine models – and not the current generation models of its competitors.
Additionally, the time halved on washing only applies to 5kg washes. Consumer watchdog ‘Which?’ found that an 8kg wash with the QuickDrive wasn’t any faster or slower than other contemporary models.
However, that doesn’t necessarily need to be a bad thing. If you’re around the house to unload the machine when it’s done, and re-load the machine for another wash, then you can likely run multiple 5kg washes in no time at all.
The QuickDrive is undoubtedly one of the best washing machines on the market, and it comes packed with the latest tech.
Given that you can get warranties from Samsung on QuickDrive models ranging from 5 to 11 years, there’s no reason not to take the plunge and enjoy faster, smarter and more efficient washes.
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