Cove – The High-End Dishwashers Created By Sub-Zero Wolf
There is no doubt that Sub-Zero and Wolf certainly struck it lucky when it comes to their name. Can any other kitchen appliance manufacturer compete with such a cool name? I apologise for the bad pun there but it’s true their name certainly has some impact.
Sub-Zero is actually the manufacture name whereas Wolf is the brand name for the vast majority of its kitchen appliances. Although the two are usually put together to form Sub-Zero and Wolf by many people.
But despite their undoubtedly cool name and reputation for high-quality Sub-Zero might not be a manufacturer many people are familiar with. There is a good reason for this though because Sub-Zero places a very strong emphasis on luxury kitchen appliances.
Their range of products includes fridges, freezers, ovens, kitchen ventilation, microwaves, wine storage and more. And while they do offer various ranges including some designed to be more budget-friendly on the whole you can expect to pay more for a Sub-Zero product especially one in the Wolf range.
However, while Sub-Zero does have a very positive reputation they have struggled in one key area that you would think they would thrive in. And that is dishwashers, these are in many ways still believed to be luxury appliances so you would think a more luxury, high-end focused manufacturer like Sub-Zero would be a popular choice.
But Sub-Zero has lost ground to many other manufacturers particularly German groups like Bosch when it comes to dishwashers. This was noted as being a “sour point” for the manufacturer but their latest models look to change their fortunes. So, let’s take a closer look at the recently released new dishwashers from Sub-Zero and see how they measure up.
Sub-Zero and Dishwashers – A Brief History
As you have likely guessed already the new range of dishwashers on offer from Sub-Zero is called the Cove. This is a separate range from Wolf and at the moment its only focus is dishwashers. This makes dishwashers one of the only appliances not to fall under the Wolf brand name.
This is a little unusual but does make sense from a business point of view as Sub-Zero is in many ways starting afresh with dishwashers with these first two models. So, setting up a new name for them rather than going under the Wolf brand can help them forge a new identity.
Like I said earlier Sub-Zero hasn’t had much luck with dishwashers however they do have the advantage of not actually selling them under their main business brand. So, their bad luck in the past hasn’t really soured their reputation with the general consumer.
Sub-Zero actually entered the dishwasher market with Asko a luxury Swedish manufacturer they purchased. But Asko struggled to make any real impact, especially in Sub-Zero’s main hub country the USA. This was further impacted by the 2008 financial crisis which made breaking into the dishwasher market even more difficult.
You’d think that a luxury appliance manufacturer like Sub-Zero would be a natural fit for the dishwasher market. However, things just didn’t go to plan and while it has taken some time Sub-Zero is now ready to give things another try with their Cove line of appliances. So, let’s now take a look at Cove dishwashers in more detail.
The Cove Dishwasher Range
The Cove dishwasher range from Sub-Zero is noticeably quite small with only two models available at the moment. But these models were only launched in April 2019 so things are likely going to expand in the coming months.
The two models are called the DW2450 and the DW2450WS. Both models are priced at over $2000 with the DW2450 being slightly cheaper both models of Cove dishwasher have some very impressive specs and they are certainly aiming for the luxury appliance market. There really isn’t anything more budget-focused available from the Cove range.
However, given Sub-Zeros reputation as a high-end luxury appliance manufacturer, this isn’t overly surprising. So, let’s take a closer look at what features you’ll find available from the Cove range of dishwashers, shall we?
Features Available With Both Models
- Both models of Cove dishwasher offer very quiet running at just over 40dB. This might actually be so quiet to some people that you won’t even notice the dishwasher is actually running.
- Both models also feature a small floor light which will activate when the dishwasher is in operation.
- They also feature a high-quality LED interior so you can more clearly see your pots when putting them into the dishwasher.
- A heated fan is present in both models of dishwasher as well which is designed to help speed up drying times. Tests showed that this system was particularly helpful when it came to drying plastics.
- Both models also feature a full stainless steel tub, you can also opt for a matching stainless steel door and handles as well for an extra charge.
- Adjustable middle racks are available in both models of dishwasher which can help you alter the size of your dishwasher to accommodate more pots, pans, and cutlery.
- A control panel lock will allow you to ensure no one can accidentally (or purposely) alter the settings once a cycle as begun. This also doubles as a child lock and it will remain active even during a power outage.
- Delay start washing cycles are also available and you can set up the delay for between 1 to 12 hours.
Features Exclusive To The DW2450WS
Being a slightly more expensive model it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the DW2450WS does come with a few exclusive features. So, let’s take a more detailed look at them, shall we?
- The WS model features a built-in water softener to help eliminate watermarks during the washing process. This will also help ensure high-quality results at the end of the cycle.
- The WS model also features a higher temperature rinse, it also extends the rinse time as well to help offer a greater level of sanitisation.
- The WS model also features an exclusive Sabbath mode which can help you work your dishwasher around any religious needs.
- The salt level is adjusted per wash to help ensure the hardness level of your water is never an issue during a wash cycle.
So, that completes our look at the main features of the Cove dishwasher range. But what really sets these appliances apart from the competition? Dishwashers might still be classed as a luxury appliance but many manufacturers are offering quite the range these days, whereas Sub-Zero has opted to focus primarily on the high-end area of the market.
The dishwasher market as sufficiently changed a lot since 2008 when they last tried to break-in. So, have Cove made a mistake in only focusing on the high-end appliance sector or do their dishwashers offer enough to stand out from the competition? Well, let’s look at the main points of their dishwashers to find out.
Quiet Running
One of the main benefits of the dishwashers available from Sub-Zero is that they offer very quiet running. With a sound level of just over 40dB these machines are some of the quietest dishwashers you can find. Considering high-levels of noise are one of the main concerns/ issues people have with dishwashers knowing you are getting a quiet appliance is certainly very beneficial.
High-Quality Design
Sub-Zero has a very positive reputation when it comes to their design work. And this is something that carries across to their Cove range of dishwashers. Best of all, the dishwashers available from Cove also match up with the rest of their Wolf range as well. The interior LED lights also help add some extra luxury to the appliance and help you save energy as well.
Wide Range of Features
Both the DW2450 and DW2450WS Cove dishwashers pack an impressive array of features that I talked about in-depth above. Features might not seem like an overly important thing when it comes to dishwashers but you’d be surprised by how beneficial things like soft water and adjustable racks can be. They give you extra versatility and flexibility when it comes to packing your dishwasher and can help ensure nothing is damaged during the washing cycle.
Sub-Zero has an impressive reputation for build quality and this looks like it as extended to their Cove range of dishwashers. Tests state that they are predicted to be able to last for up to 20 years even with continuous, regular use. You also get a 5-year warranty when you purchase one as well. So, from a quality perspective, the Cover series does certainly seem to offer everything you could need.
So, that concludes our look at the Cover series of dishwashers currently on offer from Sub-Zero. Since they have only been available for a short time (at the time of writing) it is difficult to conclude how successful this range will be.
However, things certainly look good for Sub-Zero and reviews and tests have shown that the Cove range could be incredibly popular. So, if you want a high-end, luxury dishwasher then the Cove range could certainly be worth looking at.
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