Extend The Life Of Your Dishwasher
Like buying any essential household appliance, buying a dishwasher is a pretty big financial commitment. When you’re spending that type of money, it’s likely that you’ll want your brand new dishwasher to last for many, many years. While some dishwashers are made better than others, there are things you can do to extend the lifespan of every dishwasher – irrespective of their build quality. This can not only help your dishwasher last to the average expected lifespan of 15 years, but may even extend it for a number of years beyond that point.
So, with that in mind, here are a few things you can do to get many more years out of your dishwasher.
Rust Management
Do a quick once-over of your machine and check to see if any parts of it are rusting. Dishwashers often contain metal parts that can be susceptible to rust. Stainless steel tends to be used for parts within the dishwasher that are in contact with water, but older models may not have been built with this in mind. Stainless steel, while being rust-resistant, can still end up damaged. Parts with rust and/or damaged metal should be replaced with immediacy. Rust can spread, causing all sorts of internal problems that would require a dishwasher repair company like Repair Aid to sort out, while damaged metal can break off and cause internal problems within the dishwasher.
Temperature Tantrums
Hot water should always be set to a temperature that the dishwasher can handle. You can often find out the temperature limit by consulting the dishwasher’s user guide or manual. Water that is too hot can end up burning or even melting components. This isn’t just an immediately noticeable effect, but can also accumulate over repeated hot washes. Again, consult the model’s user guide or manual to find out how to change the temperature of your dishwasher’s heating elements. You can do this with your physical copy or, if you no longer have access to that, via the manufacturer’s website.
Filter It Out
Filters can often be forgotten about. We can associate dishwashers with cleaning, but we always need to remember that dishwashers need cleaned too. Over time, filters can collect large chunks of food that can eventually clog up your dishwasher or cause some pretty awful smells. While many modern dishwashers come with self-cleaning filters, these mechanisms don’t necessarily work as intended. Make sure to clear out your filter with regularity – once a week is preferable, but once a month should be fine too.
Cleanse It
A simple, empty cycle can go a long way. Either run an empty load with detergent, or use the likes of vinegar or citric acid in its place. This will help clear away mineral deposits or dissolve anything that may clog up the machine’s drainage system.
Hand-wash Certain Dishes
Yes, we know that the convenience of a dishwasher is that it can clean every dish; however, some dishes are better cleaned by hand. There are dishes or glasses that are more fragile, or have pieces that can break off during a cycle. Parts of these dishes may break and clog up your dishwasher, or cause other damage. These dishes are better washed by hand. Not only does it prevent your dishwasher from getting damaged, but it can prevent you from being landed with a hefty repair bill!
Bathe Sprayer Arms
Last, but not least, it can be a great idea to clean out the sprayer arm(s) found in your dishwasher. Sprayer arms have little holes that can get clogged up with particles, gunk and deposits caused by hard water. This, of course, reduces the effectiveness of the arm spraying water at dishes. To sort this out, remove the arm and treat it to a warm, soapy bath in your sink. This should be done on either a weekly or monthly basis to keep it in good condition. If there are some hard water deposits that refuse to budge, then you can treat these areas with some diluted vinegar.
By following these six simple tips, you’re going to not only keep your dishwasher in better condition in the present, but give it every chance of existing beyond its expected lifespan. Just remember to consult your machine’s manual to ensure that you aren’t doing harm rather than good!
Also if you know the average life of your kitchen appliance you can easily decide if it’s worth investing in repairing it or is it better buying a new one.
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