Laundry Detergent Buying Guide
When you’re walking down the aisles of a supermarket looking for laundry detergent you’ll be bombarded by detergents of all different kinds. They’ll be washing powders, liquids, capsules, conditioners and much more. Knowing which to buy can be tricky because it isn’t all cosmetic differences.
The different kinds of detergent don’t just offer different scents they all work differently, some washing machines like high-efficiency washing machines, for example, will only work effectively with certain kinds of detergent. So, knowing the difference between the various types of laundry detergent is very important.
The variety of laundry detergents can seem a little overwhelming at first, that’s why many people will stick solely to one brand and won’t change it even if they get a different type of washing machine. But you need to look at the packaging carefully to make sure you’re getting the best deal possible.
If your laundry detergent is running out quickly then it’s likely because you’re using the wrong kind for your machine or are not using the best washing cycle for your detergent. Some detergents are designed to work with certain temperature washes for example.
Many supermarkets also offer their own home brands of detergent as well but are they better than the big-name brands? There really is no one answer for that so even with our helpful guide you might need to experiment with a few different types of detergent to see which gives you the best results. Let’s take a look at the main types of detergent and then examine the other areas you need to consider.
Washing Powders, Liquids and Capsules
Laundry detergent comes in three main forms washing powders, liquids and gels, and capsules (sometimes referred to as tablets) but what’s the difference and what is the best to use? Well, let’s take a look at each one in more detail and see what the difference is.
Washing Powder
Powder-based detergents are the most commonly used type of detergent and are generally the most affordable option, although this will depend on the brand you’re buying. Biological washing powders also have a bleaching agent which is good for removing tough stains and they can also help white clothes maintain their colour.
Washing powders can also come in specially optimised formulas for coloured washes as well. Washing powders come in a range of sizes and can tackle a big variety of everyday stains and they are generally a good all-purpose choice.
You will have to be precise when using washing powder though because if you use too little or too much it can cause overflows or not provide thorough enough cleaning. Washing powder can also build-up and stick to your washing machine’s detergent drawer, so make sure it’s regularly checked and cleaned.
Washing Liquid/ Gels
Liquid and gels are becoming an increasingly popular choice for the modern household, they’re cleaner than powders and can work very well one whites and colours. They also don’t contain a bleaching agent and will not build-up in your detergent drawer.
Liquid and gels are also very good on delicate clothes and will provide a gentler wash than powders or capsules. There are some downsides though washing liquid and gels are more expensive than their alternatives and their stain removal properties can vary wildly, so you might need to try out different brands to see what works best.
Liquid Capsules
Liquid capsules and tablets are relatively new when compared to powders and liquids and they are designed to help you use the optimal amount of detergent per wash. They make getting the right balance of detergent a non-issue and have been shown to work effectively on whites and colours.
They come in a range of different sized packages but they can be pricey but on the upside, you can be sure you’ll never use too much detergent and will prevent wastefulness. They can also work less effectively at low temperatures.
Bio and Non-Bio Detergents
One notable message to look out for on detergents of any kind is the terms bio or non-bio. What do these terms mean? Thankfully it’s relatively simple bio detergents are more effective at breaking down stains because they contain certain kinds of enzyme, if you want a detergent to give your clothes a more thorough cleaning then a biological-based one will be the best option.
The enzymes biological detergents have also help them work more effectively at lower temperatures making them ideal for people looking to be more eco-friendly. Non-bio detergents are the exact opposite they don’t have any enzymes at all.
This might sound like a bad thing at first but while the enzymes in biological detergents are good a breaking down tough stains they can irritate people with sensitive skin. Biological detergents are also not as effective on wools and silks so non-bio detergents are still very useful.
Want to know more about the difference between biological and non-biological formulas, here is everything you need to know about bio and non-bio detergents.
We hope that you find this information useful. Here are some helpful tips from Repair Aid: