Electric Oven Baking & Cleaning Tips to Save the Day
Electric ovens have certainly changed a lot since their introduction, not many people really predicted just how popular they would become. Cooking as always been strongly associated with gas cookers but electric ovens have a very strong share of the market.
There are lots of benefits that come with having an electric oven for one thing you get a much smoother level of heat. When it comes to baking, which is always done in the lower section of the electric oven you can get a steady even flow of heat through the element which makes baking with an electric oven a lot easier to manage.
One of the main criticisms of the very first electric ovens was their uneven temperature but over time that has been fixed meaning today’s electric ovens are great for baking. They have some great advantages over their gas counterparts as well because temperature drops due to outside issues are much less common.
Because they provide a much smoother level of heat seeing things like burnt food due to intense heat is going to be a much less common problem. The interior of an electric oven is also much less moist which also lends itself to better baking.
With an electric oven, you can also manipulate the temperature more effectively making it easier to get the so often desired, but so difficult to achieve golden finish.
Make Baking Easier With These Great Tips
So, baking with an electric oven is much easier than using a gas oven, but that doesn’t mean you still aren’t going to run into problems now and again. But that shouldn’t worry you because you can make it easier on yourself with a few simple tips and tricks.
We’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks for you to try out which will make baking your favourite dish much easier. You might not realise it but a lot of little things can affect your baking success everything from the tools and appliance you use to the preheat time. Let’s take a look at some tips and tricks below.
The Foil Dilemma
Foil is very useful when it comes to baking but it doesn’t have the best reputation either, with some people claiming the particles from the foil can make food taste metallic. There’s no actual research that shows this is true but plenty of people do believe that foil can affect the taste of any dish you bake.
Foil can help prevent dishes from over browning so you should still use it but just add the foil when you notice browning is starting to occur then remove it as soon as it’s ready. The less time your food is in the foil the fewer particles it will absorb.
Remember To Preheat
Electric ovens work just like gas ones simply leave the oven on for a while to preheat it before you put your food in to bake. Remember electric ovens do take a little longer to preheat than gas ovens so wait a while before putting your food in to be sure you get even cooking. You can also use an oven thermometer to check the temperature to be sure it’s just right.
Use The Convection Function
The convection function is featured in many electric ovens and is now becoming more common, the convection function activates a built-in fan which blows hot air around your oven. This is very useful for a number of reasons for one it can help ensure that all areas of the oven receive optimal levels of heat and you can also use water to avoid a build-up of dry air. This makes it possible for you to actually bake and rise bread in an electric oven.
Proper Cleaning And Maintenance For Your Oven
While these tips and tricks are a great way to ensure you always get the best baking possible with your electric oven there’s only one sure-fire way to ensure your oven is always providing the best performance possible and that’s with proper care and maintenance. Electric ovens require careful and thorough cleaning just like their gas counterparts.
Warm water can be used to clean your oven but to get the best results possible you should invest in some professional oven cleaner. This will help you cut through any stubborn stains or food residue, you don’t have to over complicate it with fancy remedies either.
Just get some washcloths, a bowl of water and some oven cleaner and you will have everything you need. You can clean your oven out as often as you like (within reason) but usually once every three to four months will be fine.
Please contact our electric oven repair engineers for more tips on cleaning and maintaining your electric oven.
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