Help My Tumble Dryer Shuts Off Too Soon

A tumble dryer is a great time-saver and households of all kinds can benefit from having one, whether you have a large family or just a large wardrobe a dryer is the perfect way to save time on what would normally be a long job. The sun might dry your clothes, but it takes its time and you are at the mercy of mother nature as well.

Not to mention the seasonal calendar in the perfect case of irony while I was writing this it started raining and I had to rush outside to bring my clothes in. Why aren’t I using a tumble dryer you ask? Well because my tumble dryer is experiencing a little problem and that’s what I’ am going to look at today.

Tumble Dryer Shuts Off Too Soon

When your tumble dryer shuts off too soon it can be a real hassle or just a slight annoyance. There’s a lot of scope to this problem your dryer could shut off just minutes after powering on or 30 minutes before the cycle is due to finish and everything else in between.

And there might not even be a pattern one day your drying cycle could be almost finished before it shuts off while on the next cycle it could shut off almost straight away. The good news is I can help you identify the most common causes of this problem and if you’re lucky you might even be able to fix the problem on your own.

However, like always I would recommend you call in a professional tumble dryer repair technician because that way you can be sure that any work is done to the highest possible standard not to mention it’s also a way to guarantee your safety. So, let’s take a look at what could be causing your tumble dryer to shut off too soon.

The Moisture Sensor

The moisture sensor is an essential component but only one that will appear in newer more modern tumble dryers. The moisture sensor controls the timer and activates automatically when wet clothes come into contact with it.

This all well and good right? However, when clothes are nearly done drying they can fail to trigger the sensor and then this will then prematurely cut the sensor off before the drying cycle is finished, so how do you fix this problem.

The good news is that in the majority of cases you can fix this problem simply by ensuring the inside of the dryer is clean. Fabric softener is a common culprit when it comes to blocking out the sensors so if you’re lucky you will be able to solve the problem simply by cleaning the sensors. If it’s a more serious electrical issue, then you’ll need to call in a professional tumble dryer repair engineer to handle it for you.

The Lint Filter

The lint filter is an essential part of a tumble dryer but like many parts of a dryer, it will require regular supervision. Lint can build up very quickly especially if you use your dryer a lot and blockages can build-up fast.

A blockage of lint can cause a lot of problems and if your tumble dryer suddenly starts shutting off then you should check your dryer’s lint filter. Cleaning the filter is relatively simple but finding it might not be. So, consult your tumble dryer’s instructions manual if you’re struggling to find it.

The Motor

Now, this is a complicated one and unless you have the experienced and knowledge you should call in a professional tumble dryer repair technician to handle this kind of repair for you.  Although there is some good news because issues with the motor are very easy to spot.

If you notice your tumble dryer growing hotter or making a lot of noise the closer, it gets to completing a cycle then the problem is probably going to be the motor. If you leave the motor to cool, then it might return to normal although it’s more likely to be a problem that persists and if left unchecked it can grow into a more serious issue.

You tumble drying shutting off too soon into a cycle isn’t exactly a common problem, but it is usually the harbinger of bigger problems to come and even if it isn’t it’s still going to make drying your clothes a much more difficult task, which is the exact opposite of what a tumble dryer is supposed to do.

So, take our advice under consideration and make sure you act fast if this problem does occur, you will probably need to call in a professional to handle the repairs for you but with our help, you’ll know exactly what’s wrong.

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