Why The Refrigerator Temperature Your Fridge Is Set To Is Probably Wrong

Most households will be guaranteed to have a few different appliances, won’t they? Washing machines, cookers and refrigerators being the main three and it’s the latter one that we’ll be looking at today.

Whether you have a small little box fridge, a fridge-freezer combo unit or some other variation there is one constant that runs through them all and that is the fact that the temperature is very important. Any fridge needs to be carefully set to the optimum temperature to ensure it does its job effectively.

Fridges are all about preserving food and when they are set to the right temperature they can keep food cold and safe to eat for quite a long time. Fridges do this by slowing the rate of growth in bacteria. Bacteria isn’t something you want thriving in your food after all, is it?

Now while there are various opinions the generally accepted rule most people follow is that their fridge should be around 4°C. While this might be the commonly followed guideline the reality of the situation could be much different which is why the title of this article holds true for many people.

Because there is a strong likelihood that many people reading this have their fridge set to the incorrect temperature. 4°C might not be an overly bad temperature all things considered but it won’t be the optimal temperature either.

What Temperature Is Best?

So, if 4°C isn’t the best temperature for a fridge what should it be set to instead? Well, the best advice to follow is to aim a little lower debate over what number to aim for again can vary but we suggest looking at a temperature of around 2°C to 3°C.

the best temperature for a fridge

This might seem like only a small change but even little alterations can have a big impact. By aiming your temperature in the 2°C to 3°C area you can bring your food close to freezing but without actually over doing it and risking your food getting too cold.

After all, a fridge is designed to keep food fresh not actually make it freeze. The main problem with the usually followed 4°C threshold is that while it might keep foods fresh for a while it can actually promote bacteria growth. Just dropping the temperature a little can help foods stay fresh for much longer.

If you find that your food is spoiling unusually quickly then adjust the temperature to make things even a touch cooler can have a big impact. However, before you adjust the temperature we suggest getting an accurate reading on your current temperature levels first.

Yes, most fridges will have a thermostat that can help you do this but many fridges and particularly older models do have inaccurate temperature gauges which means you shouldn’t always take what it says as completely accurate. It might say 3°C but your fridge could actually be a little higher at around 4°C or possibly even a little higher.

And as I’ve already mentioned even a few small changes could make a big difference to the quality of your food and the fridge’s performance. In some of the more modern, top of the line fridges have issues with their temperature gauges being a little inaccurate.

So, to get an accurate reading get a thermometer and read the temperature yourself then once you have the reading you can properly adjust your fridge’s temperature. It really goes without saying that if your fridge lacks a thermostat then you should get on immediately.

More Tips For Keeping Your Fridge Cool

Adjusting the temperature isn’t the only way you can help ensure your fridge as the optimal temperature you need to keep things properly cool. So, if you are having trouble keeping things below the 4°C threshold try some of the tips laid out below.

  1. Let food cool before putting it in the fridge, this is especially important with hot foods and leftovers like soup. You should also make sure the food is securely covered as well.
  2. Keep the fridge door closed as often as possible. Every time the fridge is open cool air escapes so don’t keep it open too long when you’re getting something.
  3. Make sure your fridge is in good condition and cleaned regularly. Check around the gaskets and edges of the fridge in particular as this is where cool air can escape.
  4. Avoid empty space if you can, a full fridge is a healthy fridge and it will help maintain the level of cold air inside the appliance. Although you will need to keep a healthy balance as overcrowding is just as harmful.

So, that concludes our look at how you can keep your fridge at the optimal temperature. So, if you haven’t done it already go and check the temperature of your fridge but remember don’t keep the door open for too long.

Author: Repair Aid®

Date published:

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